Thursday, 30 August 2018

TED Talks

I want to share a wonderful resource with you - the TED talks. TED talks are short, maximum 15 minutes, video talks on a vast range of subjects, all delivered by some of the world's most inspirational speakers. I have been watching TED talks on and off for many years and they never fail to inspire me. I have already shared with you links to some of the most relevant ones in the posts and on the pages of this blog.

It's quite easy to use. Just type TED talks into the search bar of your web browser and the home page will come up, or just click this link TED Talks Home Page to take you directly there. Then use their search bar to search for topics that interest you. Once you find a video of interest you will notice that others, on a similar theme, show up down the side of the screen - which is both good and not-so-good. Good because you don't have to search and not-so-good because I usually end up watching three when I only intended to watch one!!

TED talks can be informative,inspirational, motivating and sometimes challenging - but they are always interesting. When I have the time, I find them a great way to entertain and to exercise the grey matter, especially on rainy days when physical exercise is not such an attractive option!

I invite you to sample TED to see what you think. I have listed some of the links, already shared throughout this blog, below. But please go and have a look at the TED site to find those that may mean more to you. And if you find some good ones please share them via the comments box at the bottom of any of my blog pages! Happy watching!!

The Best Way To Help Is To Listen.

Why Kindness Is Good For You.

The Gift & Power of Emotional Courage

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Crafty Stuff

Having had a very challenging career that I absolutely loved and being a single Mum bringing up two teenage boys, which I also loved (well, most of the time!), retirement has meant more time for other things that I love, like crafts. 

I love knitting, crochet and cross stitch, often creating my own designs. Making things for Little People is my absolute favourite things to do and I especially love making really colourful baby blankets and little hooded coats. I started just making them for family and friends but over time word spread and I was asked to make more and more. For a while I even sold them online, sending them as far afield as Spain, Portugal, USA, Norway etc. I don't sell them anymore but still make them just for the love of it either for people I know or for charities.

I thought I'd share some of my favourite projects with you. This one began as a few individual hexagon shapes which I decided looked like flowers......

and so I decided to put them together........

and they began to look a bit like a garden.......

So, then I decided to edge my 'flower bed' with a green scalloped edge, which represents grass.......

A few green 'tufts' and small dangling flowers for little hands to play with.......

and the garden is complete!

 Another of my favourites, because I love bright colours, are my rainbow blankets - and I've made quite a few different ones over the years!

 This is one of my favourites, my Rainbow Ripple blanket.

Just love these colours...........

And here it is when it was almost finished....... 

Just a border to be added to the edge and that was it finished, and off to bring the colours of the rainbow to a Littlie's cot! 
I've got some more recent projects on the go but no pics just yet so time to get the camera out...... 

Crafting is a great way to spend time, especially as the nights draw in and there's less opportunity to be doing things outside. Crafting really is my Autumn/Winter joy! I get totally absorbed in what I'm doing and the time just flies by - great if you're on your own. But crafting is also a great thing to share with others and there are loads of crafty groups around, from Knit 'n Natter groups, Crochet clubs and Cross Stitch Circles etc. 

When I first moved here I joined a fantastic group based in a local cafe. It was set up by Lucy, who has become a bit of a crafting celebrity in recent years! You can see her very popular blog, Attic 24 by clicking its title. It's full of interesting stuff, loads of photos, her own crochet projects, patterns and yarn packs etc. The craft group she set up with a friend, Tracey,  was hugely popular, attracting all kinds of women from near and far, in Yorkshire and over the border in Lancashire - and much further afield too! I have found myself on several occasions sitting round a table, crafting and chatting over coffee and cake, with women from Germany, France etc and even from Australia!!! And things have gone from strength to strength, culminating in a craft festival called Yarndale which happens every September and is hugely busy! This year's Yarndale is coming up very soon - find out more here

The women I met through a shared love of crafting were really friendly and welcoming and I really enjoyed the times I spent with them. Other things have taken over now and I haven't been to the cafe for some time but those women will never know how much they helped and supported me through a very difficult time in my life. With them I was able to forget the hurts, to have fun, to feel connected and a lot less lonely, all of which was enormously important in helping me to build a new and happy life here. I will be forever grateful to them all. 

So, do you have an interest that you would like to share with others? Can you find a group near you to go to? Libraries are often useful for finding out what's happening in your area. Or you could do an internet search. Or do you feel like starting up a group of your own? It doesn't have to be a big deal - Lucy's group began with two or three friends meeting up once a week in a local cafe for coffee, cake and a bit of crochet time together - and it GREW!

So, whatever you do, do it with joy in your heart (that's what enjoy means!) and a lightness in your step...........

Monday, 20 August 2018

Pen Y Ghent

Most weekends my fella, who celebrates his 60th in a couple of weeks, hikes me up some peak or other in the Yorkshire Dales or further afield in the Lakes. We go for walks every weekend but haven't done a peak for a few weeks because its been so hot. We've chosen instead to do less strenuous but still lovely countryside walks of 7-12 miles but without a steep climb. 

However, last weekend was very much cooler and so we decided to do Pen y Ghent, in the Yorkshire Dales.

We have done all three Yorkshire Peaks, Pen Y Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough, a few times before but never more than one at a time! For the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge, people do them all, involving a total of 5200ft of ascent and covering 24 miles, in 12 hours!! I would have struggled to do that at any age never mind at 65! I think doing them one at a time is sufficient challenge and achievement! Pen y Ghent is the smallest of the three at 2277ft but it certainly feels like enough when you're doing it. 

We set off from Horton in Ribblesdale on a day that was dry but much cloudier and gloomier than had been forecast. That turned out to be a shame because the higher we climbed the more visibility was obscured by the low cloud that hung over the peak. It was a pity for two reasons: first, I need the motivation of the beautiful views to encourage me on a climb like that and second, because it meant taking photos was pointless! And I do love taking photos when out on walks! 

The path is a very good one, paved with Yorkshire stone most of the way but it is quite a steep ascent in places with a scrabble over rocks near the top. That's the one bit I really didn't enjoy very much because the rocks are quite sheer in places, difficult for people with little legs like me! Plus they were very wet and slippery and it was very windy once we got up that high, another difficulty for someone as small as me, as the wind would catch me and push me off balance at times. I found that bit quite scary! But its good to do things that scare us a little bit now and then! I did give my knee a real bang at one point on that steep, windy scramble to the top and now have the lump and big black bruise to prove it! I'll spare you the pic of that! Its a bit sore but I'll live!

This is Pen Y Ghent on a better day!
Made it! A well-earned lunch, sheltering from the wind against the wall. 

The walk down, via Plover Hill, was mostly a gentle decent over moorland which, cracked and dry as concrete a few weeks ago, was now a boggy marshland following recent rains. This, added to the poor visibility, made picking out the less distinct grassy path a little more difficult in places but we never got lost. By the time we walked back into Horton, GPS told us we'd done 9 miles....... and the rain had started. 

If you fancy having a go yourself you can find a detailed description of the route, illustrated with photos, here on the Walks in Yorkshire website.

Happily tired, we came home, cooked and ate, and then went out for the night! By the time we got to bed, after midnight, we were certainly ready to sleep! All in all, not a bad day for two 60 somethings!! Wonder where we'll walk this coming weekend? 

If you can, keep walking, as often and for as many years as you can. It doesn't matter where or how far you walk and you don't have to climb peaks - although getting your heart going up some hills is very good for it! 

And remember, if you're not walking, keep dancing! 

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Ikigai - what's yours?

This is a little gem of a book! 

On the Japanese island of Okinawa people live longer and have fewer diseases than anywhere else in the world. Longevity studies strongly suggest that these 'super centenarians' have a few significant things in common. The famously healthy Japanese diet and daily practice of gentle exercise, mostly tai chi and yoga, throughout life play an important part. A strong sense of community and active involvement in it, combined with a clear awareness of purpose, or ikigai, are also identified as significant factors that these Okinawans have in common.

Medical studies show that:
  • Not only do these people live much longer than the rest of the world's population but they also have fewer chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease, The incidence of dementia is also well below the global average.
  • Many of these super centenarians enjoy enviable levels of energy and vitality compared to elderly people elsewhere in the world.
  • Their blood tests show they have fewer free radicals, which are  responsible for cellular ageing. Evidence suggest that this is due to drinking tea, particularly green tea, and eating until their  stomachs are only 80% full. 
  • The Japanese belief that everyone has an ikigai, literally meaning a reason to jump out of bed each morning, also plays a key role in their health and longevity.
Fascinating and inspiring, this book identifies simple principles we can all use to live long, meaningful and contented lives. Science-based studies are beautifully woven into straight-talking conversations with real people sharing their real life experience.

I really identify with this idea of ikigai and am grateful that I found mine when in my 20s, albeit through struggling greatly with life and my mental health. My ikigai became my career and a life-long passion which still gets me out of bed in the morning even though I 'retired' years ago. My ikigai turned out to be making a positive difference to those struggling with their own mental health, in my career as a counsellor, life coach, trainer and educational adviser on mental health support for students and, in my private life, as a mother, friend, neighbour. I may not earn my living that way anymore but, like the elder Okinawans, I live out my ikigai every day, by contributing whenever I can, making a difference, often in very small ways, as a volunteer, a friend, a neighbour. And I still do a bit of life coaching too. I loved my work so much I always said I would do it even if I wasn't paid - so now I do! What I know, from personal experience and from a career in mental health and well-being, is that both our mental and physical health depend on it! And this book demonstrates that with scientific evidence to back it up.

This little book has given me information and inspiration to continue to stay active despite being retired from payed work; to remain actively engaged with family, friends and in my community for as long as I can; to pursue my purpose, my ikigai, even as the years knotch up; to cherish and continue to take the best care I can of my mental and physical health. In fact, the evidence is that doing each of these things will help me to live a long, healthy and contented life. 

If you haven't found it already, find what you love, what gives you satisfaction and pleasure, what fills you with joy and gets you out of bed every day, and do that! Whether it be some form of volunteering, gardening, being out in nature, painting or creating something with your hands, contributing in some way to your community, being a good neighbour - the possibilities are endless.
Its never too late to live your purpose! 

And remember, keep on dancing!!

Memory Lane

 As well as my other passions for books, crafts, coaching and supporting mental health and well-being, I love my camera. Photographs give me lots of pleasure! I love the act of taking them, capturing experiences for posterity. I love reviewing them just afterwards and I also love coming back to them, sometimes years later, enjoying again happy memories of the events and experiences I captured.

Cake and Bake Show 2014

When doing some sorting of my photo files recently I came across these pics that I took at the Cake and Bake Show in 2014. I remember being absolutely amazed by the stunning displays and could not quite believe that they were cakes!! How very clever people are!

I used to love making special birthday cakes for my two boys (I maybe able to find some photos of them later) but I could never attempt anything like this! I really wouldn't have a clue where to start!

These are some of my favourites from that day.

And finally, this fantastic masterpiece!!

I'd love to know what happened to them all after the show was over!!

So, do you like baking?? You don't have to produce anything like this but, like taking photos, making a simple little something delicious gives double pleasure - first in the making and then in the eating!

Living alone like me? Bake something and choose someone to share it with - a neighbour, your local Postie or Window Cleaner............ Or maybe invite a few friends or neighbours to a Cake and Coffee Break in support of your favourite charity - or mine, The Silver Line
See how much difference tea and a cuppa can make here
Who doesn't love a bit of fresh, homemade cake!

And while you're at it, keep dancing!

Monday, 13 August 2018

Summer Days!

Why is it that time seems to fly by so fast in the summer? Another week has gone already and I can hardly say where it went! Even tho' the days are longer and SO very enjoyable - everything seems so much better in the glow of summer sunshine - they just seem to wizz by!

Lots of time being spent outside, of course. Walking along the canal near my home is always a pleasure. Earlier in the summer, I took these pics of the bluebell woods which are about 10 minutes from my door.

Even just hanging the washing out is a pleasure on these beautiful sunny days, as is tending my little 'garden', a small raised bed in a corner of the back yard.

My little cottage doesn't have a front garden but..........

I do have space for my pots and my bench where I can sit and enjoy my plants and the view across the canal in the summer sunshine. I love it!

I love these blue petunias in their blue pots (there's a matching one on the other side of the bench)

and these pink geraniums

I have pots to the left of my door.....

and pots to the right........ 

And I absolutely LOVE these cute little toadstools on my doorstep!

I must confess that there has occasionally been an hour or two now and then, spent sitting out on my bench watching boats and the world go by, in the sunshine of a lazy summer afternoon! But it has been pretty scorching hot so I don't spend as much time as I would like out there! We really could do with some rain - a few good downpours, overnight only of course! Would do the gardens and crops a lot of good.

Lots of time is being spent walking/ hiking either locally or further afield in the Lakes or the Dales. SO many really lovely places to walk! But to be truthful, major hikes, especially up peaks, have been put on the back-burner a bit because its just too hot! Shorter walks, 7-10 miles, mostly on the flat are still very doable though and most weekends will involve at least one and sometimes two! With a Saturday night out for some live music in between!

Well, that's all from me for now. Check out some of my other pages and come back again soon to see what's new!

And keep dancing!!