So, I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite pics from recent outings.
The bluebell woods near me are beautiful and some of the best pictures I took on those early walks were of the bluebells. You'll find a few more in my Summer Days! post. I have some of them printed and framed on my walls and have given a few as gifts to friends and family who have admired them. Giving even more joy!
I love taking photos of flowers
Isn't that exquisite?!
And I took these last weekend on a visit to Tatton Park.
Love the green prickliness of this Sweet Chestnut!
And the Japanese Garden is just beautiful!
Would you believe I forgot my camera that day! And so all of these pics were taken with my humble little mobile phone!! Pretty good though, eh??

And of course I love wildlife and birds so was very happy to come across these deer when walking the outer grounds of Tatton Park last weekend.

I absolutely love puffins and really couldn't believe it when I got these shots with my camera on full zoom! I have had prints of these framed and they are on the walls of my coastal-themed bathroom. I get lots of admiring comments - especially when people realise I took them!
Finally, I will leave you for now with these pics, taken that same weekend, of a pair of gannets with a baby chick - only one of the many thousands that gather there every year.
See the little fella, there in between them?
Ahhh, so cute!
So, bearing in mind that I do not have a very expensive camera and all of the pictures taken last weekend were taken on my mobile phone, what might you take snaps of when you're out and about? Maybe taking a few pictures of your own garden, a local park or place of interest, a local event, or even of the town where you live might start you off with a new interest to keep you happily entertained. Why not try it?
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